G.C. Grünkraft S.A. was founded in Greece in 2011 as the partner of Schuco International K.G. for the installation of Solar Mounting Structures systems and has quickly established itself within the leaders in PV technology installations having installed up to date 320 MW of Solar Parks. Our unique methodology in optimizing the field and the installation of mounting systems provides higher Yield and maximizes the Return on Investment. Together with 6 sigma methodology our team achieves unequal quality, accuracy, and speed in the installation process.
With own heavy duty machinery and equipment and core competencies in engineering and geosciences we proud ourselves as being cost effective with unequal quality in a highly competitive environment.
As of 2019 Grunkraft started the development of Solar and Storage projects from A to Z having delivered at Ready to Built Status 357 MW while we matured at middle stage development another 600 MW.